Thursday, January 9, 2014


The last few weeks has been full of introspection.  I find myself without a cause I identify with, without a larger purpose or goal for the first time in a few years. I am feel disconnected from the things I value.  Basically, I feel directionless. The needle on the compass is spinning.

When I feel lost I often find myself thinking about the future.  Where do I want to go?  Who do I want to be? What do I want my life to be about?  These thoughts are future oriented. I find hope in the future.

I recently read Victor Frankle's "Man's Search For Meaning."  One of the major themes I took from this book was when stripped of everything, even our bodies own abilities to function, we as humans are still hardwired to find hope.  We constantly seek out the purpose in life.  The thing that drives us.  We search for beauty in dark places.  We hold on to love, even when it is not there.  We find a cause worth focusing our energy towards.  When we have nothing, we search for these things and look to the future to find some kind of purpose for the suffering we endure.  Finding meaning in that suffering allows us to accept it.  It allows us to stop struggling against it simply move within it.  From this place, where we are able to stop struggling, we can look forward, gaining hope for the future.  The key is to find that thing that gives you purpose, the thing that gives you hope.  Once you see it, even just a glimmer, do something about it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


How many moments do you waist thinking of how to put out something perfect the first time?  I often sit here thinking of exactly what I want to say, what I want to do, how what I put out into the universe will ultimately represent me and how I feel about that message.  A lot of time to put things off.  A lot of time for doubt to creep in.  

The reality is nothing is going to be "perfect."  The term is subjective.  There is no measurable criteria for what it is and it can change based on the lens in which you currently view the world.  My perfect today may not be my perfect tomorrow and mine may be no where near yours.

So why wait.  Just put something out there.  Go back and add to it.  Morph it into what you want it to be.  Take feedback, incorporate it, or don't, but at least learn from the experience.  Practice acceptance and be kind to yourself for your mistakes.  

This is the path to success.  The quest for perfection is a stall tactic.  You are not living your life, you are wishing it away for something you may never achieve.  

"Perfect" content, "Perfect" creation comes from the process.  It is often what happens on the journey which brings you happiness, not the attainment of the goal. 

So go. Do. Create. Speak your mind.  Live life.